Cost Models for Surface Treatment Processes (aPriori)
The aPriori Enterprise Cost Management software platform improves the financial results of discrete manufacturing and product companies by enabling them to actively control Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) with real-time, predictive and precise product cost assessments. aPriori's proven and patent-protected software platform allows companies to assess, control and reduce the cost of their products in real time, at any time during design, sourcing and manufacture. To learn more about aPriori, please visit www.apriori.com. The most critical components of the aPriori enterprise cost management platform are the physical and cost models of the common manufacturing processes in use today. Currently, the aPriori platform supports processes including sheet metal fabrication, stage tooling, welded assemblies, injection molding, 3-axis machining, sand casting and die casting. The aPriori SCOPE team will help aPriori expand the number of processes supported by their software by developing cost models for a range of Surface Treatment Processes such as painting and plating. Also, the cost information for each process must be updated periodically as the manufacturing markets change over time. The team will work with aPriori to develop an application to allow both customers and the aPriori services team to create, manage and maintain critical production data for multiple manufacturing locations worldwide.
Date Published
2018-03-26 15:08:14