Learning through Teaching: Advancing Personalized Learning
I entered college with a general interest in education and a taste for engineering; I had begun to merge the two by mentoring local FIRST LEGO League teams, but the potential for expanding the union was unclear. Through experiences at Olin – research, Engineering Discovery, and FIRST mentoring – I have found opportunities to continue outreach as a professional. New interests arose via entrepreneurial experiences, and I learned about my own learning through a rich study away experience. I have gained new insights into these areas because of the personalization of my own education and aim to create the same opportunities for others outside of Olin. The focused attention to learning style and holistic education were invaluable to me as a learner and as an engineer and teacher entering dynamic professional and educational landscapes. I seek to contribute to the advancement of personalized learning as a way of paying my debts while pursuing my interests and developing passion.
Date Published
2018-03-26 15:06:23