here are so many things in our daily lives that we see from the same perspective. We are used
to looking at the world from human height, at human scale, and on human timescales. This is no
coincidence, as most things we interact with are designed for exactly this experience. However, if
we take a step back and think about how limited this view is we can start to recognize things that
happen around us constantly yet are completely beyond our normal perspective.
In his exhibit we present a few examples of what we can learn with a shift in perspective and
how the things we take for granted in everyday life can be seen if we take the time to look. We
encourage you to touch, play with, and learn from these exhibits and to ask yourself questions
as you go. See if you can think about a memory you have about a space and imagine it from a
different perspective. Is there a time when you saw something that was right before you the whole
time? What other things do we take for granted when we experience the world?