Artist Origin
I’m Rascal a rapper and producer from Nashville Tennessee living in Massachusetts. I’ve loved hip hop music since I was five years old listening to Black Eyed Peas’ album Elephunk. I was never was too plugged into mainstream hip hop growing up but listened to groups like Blue Scholars and Doomtree. Their work influences how I make and interact with music today. Blue Scholars’ music has a deep focus on staying informed and being policy engage. Doomtree As a group focuses on challenging ideas of society with socialism and anarchy.
Artist Statement
I want to make music to express how I feel about life and how I feel about society. I want to celebrate the highs and lows of life and express vulnerability as a strength. I want to stand up to the structure in society that forces us to be something we are not.
Album Summary
This is my first Album focusing on my upbringing and who I am now. It’s a retrospective of where life has taken me. This album’s main message is that Rascal lived life from moment to moment holding onto whatever he could. To the end of the album to ideal changes to see what he can get out of life.
Link to album: