Art + The Internet is the culminating experience of my visual art AHS Capstone. It’s a selection of art works that follow three themes about the experience of living on the Internet: early hopes and Internet Dreams, constructing and performing our Digital Bodies, and contemporary takes on Speculative Futures for our online lives. Together these works explore the Internet’s rapid and pervasive rise as a dominant force in many of our lives and how it inextricably shapes the way we view ourselves and each other. Instead of pulling web-hosted pieces that we would traditionally think of as “Internet art,” I was more interested in curating largely analog art works that address the Internet thematically, rather than interact with it directly. My hope is that this prompts questions about the ways the Internet’s influence bleeds into our physical lives - the World Wide Web is no longer something we can choose to log on or off of, there is no way to fully ‘unplug’ from cyberspace. We are all machine-augmented beings in some form, and the art in this exhibit showcases our cyborg transformation over the last several decades.